
Resilience System

Newly Released COVID-19 Data Show Most U.S. Cities Are 'Sustained Hotspots'

U.S. FDA authorizes Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use

OVERVIEW : U.S. and overseas developments

People Thought Covid-19 Was Relatively Harmless for Younger Adults. They Were Wrong. --NYTimes op-ed

The largest burden of Covid-19 has undoubtedly fallen on people older than 65; they account for around 80 percent of deaths in the United States. But if we momentarily eclipse that from our mind’s eye, something else becomes visible: The corona of this virus.

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Americans have converted to mask culture, survey finds

Pfizer decision to turn off temperature sensors forced scramble to ensure Covid-19 vaccines kept ultra-cold

A last-minute snafu this fall threatened to disrupt the smooth rollout of the first Covid-19 vaccine approved in the United States, according to industry officials.

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Putting 'politics in front of lives': DeSantis faces criticism over Florida's Covid-19 response

US debate: Who should be next in line for vaccine?

NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. COVID-19 vaccination campaign has begun, and the few available doses are mostly going into the arms of health-care workers and nursing home residents.

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Covid in Europe: Spain facing 'third wave' while Macron has 'real symptoms'

Pence and wife get vaccinated for COVID as Trump's shot remains 'under consideration'

1 in 216 Americans tested positive for Covid-19 this week alone

States Complain of Smaller Vaccine Shipments Than Expected

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Officials in several states said that they were caught off guard on Wednesday when they learned that next week’s shipment of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine would contain fewer doses than the first week.

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FDA says Pfizer vaccine vials hold extra doses, expanding supply

Pharmacists have found a way to squeeze extra doses out of vials of Pfizer's vaccine, potentially expanding the nation's scarce supply by up to 40 percent.

The Food and Drug Administration said late Wednesday that those extra doses could be used, clearing up confusion that had caused some pharmacists to throw away leftover vaccine for fear of violating the rules the agency set last week.

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OPINION: The Magic Number for Reducing Infections and Keeping Businesses Open

Trade magazine says Researchers are using coffee to diagnose COVID-19


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