
Resilience System

Radical shift in COVID-19 testing needed to reopen schools and businesses, researchers say

U.N. chief warns world facing 'generational catastrophe' on education

Local governments ‘overwhelmed’ in race to trace U.S. COVID contacts

Covid-19 is more widespread than ever in the US but there are some states doing things right

ANALYSIS: How did the Pandemic Defeat America--the Atlantic

Coronavirus cases climb in Midwest states as Trump says U.S. is doing better than most other countries

TB, Malaria and H.I.V. are spreading amid the coronavirus pandemic

It begins with a mild fever and malaise, followed by a painful cough and shortness of breath. The infection prospers in crowds, spreading to people in close reach. Containing an outbreak requires contact tracing, as well as isolation and treatment of the sick for weeks or months.

This insidious disease has touched every part of the globe. It is tuberculosis, the biggest infectious-disease killer worldwide, claiming 1.5 million lives each year.

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Johnson & Johnson’s Coronavirus Vaccine Protects Monkeys, Study Finds

An experimental coronavirus vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson protected monkeys from infection in a new study. It is the second vaccine candidate to show promising results in monkeys this week.

The company recently began a clinical trial in Europe and the United States to test its vaccine in people. It is one of more than 30 human trials for coronavirus vaccines underway across the world. But until these trials are complete — which will probably take several months — the monkey data offers the best clues to whether the vaccines will work.

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San Francisco flattened the curve early. Now, coronavirus cases are surging.

There may never be a 'silver bullet' for COVID-19, WHO warns

Scientists Worry About Political Influence Over Coronavirus Vaccine Project


In April, with hospitals overwhelmed and much of the United States in lockdown, the Department of Health and Human Services produced a presentation for the White House arguing that rapid development of a coronavirus vaccine was the best hope to control the pandemic.

“DEADLINE: Enable broad access to the public by October 2020,” the first slide read, with the date in bold.

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Birx says COVID-19 outbreak not under control because 'people are on the move'

Do some people have protection against the coronavirus?

Experts push for renewed efforts, new tack. to counter the virus

International overview

NEW DELHI (AP) — India reported nearly 55,000 new coronavirus cases Sunday and the Philippines recorded another daily high to surpass 100,000 total infections, while Florida braced for a tropical storm that threatened to hamper anti-disease efforts.

A curfew was imposed on Australia’s second-largest city, Melbourne, following a spike in infections.

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