
Resilience System

Why the coronavirus affects children much less severely than adults has become an enduring mystery of the pandemic. The vast majority of children do not get sick; when they do, they usually recover. The first study to compare the immune response in child

Why the coronavirus affects children much less severely than adults has become an enduring mystery of the pandemic. The vast majority of children do not get sick; when they do, they usually recover.

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Trump, White House demand FDA justify tough standards for coronavirus vaccine, raising concerns of political interference

Four U.S. states including Wisconsin report record one-day increases in COVID-19 cases

Virus cases rise in US heartland, home to anti-mask feelings

lorida reopens: DeSantis lifts state’s coronavirus restrictions

Disputes Inside Hospitals Over How COVID Spreads

Front-line health care workers are locked in a heated dispute with many infection control specialists and hospital administrators over how the novel coronavirus is spread ― and therefore, what level of protective gear is appropriate.

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Drugmaker Novavax begins late-stage vaccine trial in UK

Scientists Identify Genetic Factors That May Explain Severe Covid-19 Cases

Pharmacies are bracing for a surge in demand for flu shots amid the Covid-19 pandemic

With flu season fast approaching, and the Covid-19 pandemic raging on, hospitals and pharmacies across the country are stockpiling far more flu vaccines than normal, anticipating a surge in demand.

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Countries should meet these five criteria before easing lockdowns, study says. Many aren't even close

Robots target coronavirus with ultraviolet light at London train station

As Virus Cases Surge in Europe, Hospitalizations Lag. But for How Long?

LONDON — In Munich, normally brimming with boisterous crowds for Oktoberfest this month, the authorities just banned gatherings of more than five people. In Marseille, France, all bars and restaurants will be closed next Monday. And in London, where the government spent weeks urging workers to return to the city’s empty skyscrapers, it is now asking them to work from home.

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U.S. records over seven million COVID-19 cases as Midwest outbreak surges

FBI director warns that Chinese hackers are still targeting US COVID-19 research

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Thursday said Chinese hackers are continuing to target U.S. companies involved in COVID-19 research and described China as the nation’s “greatest counterintelligence threat.”

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Gov. Cuomo says New York to review any COVID-19 vaccine authorized by federal government


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